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NO INTERNATIONAL NUMBERS! Wait at least 12 months after you've had a booster vax to book. 

For quick fixes if you have heart palpitations, "anxiety" attacks or raised d-dimer, fatigue or if you dating/married to a v@xd person, sensitive to EMFintravenous vit c 25 grams. I.V. EDTA with I.V. glutathione and alpha lipoic acid. Methylene blue 100mg day (200 drops). I.V. treatments should be ongoing at least 2 or 3 times a month. Infrared light therapy could help as well. 

Follow Karen Kingston and Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PHD on substack

Recommend tests: d-dimer (microclotting). Thermography scan of body. Complete blood count (cbc) done with a naturopathic dr.


I am not vax*xd nor will I ever be :) Please research more on the topic.



Incall is in Old Town